Disability Care for Adults

Disability can affect us at any age.

At Care First Providers, we provide care for adults with various forms of disabilities which make it difficult for them to manage their needs independently. 

We can provide as much or as little care as you need. On your initial contact with us, we will arrange for you to be assessed face to face by a field care supervisor or a care manager who will gather as much information from you as possible to understand your needs and identify what will be required to meet those needs.

A person-centred care plan will then be implemented to suit your needs.

We will be talking directly with you (the client) as well as your next of kins, close friends or family who may be able to provide vital information on your needs.

We offer visiting care where we will visit you at home, a few times a week or more and support you with your activities of daily living such as, personal care, meal preparation, domestic chores and more. In addition, we offer respite care at your home to enable loved ones have a break from their caring role.  We offer 24-hour care, night care and sitting service.